Find Your Path In The Place You Live
The Arctic blasts of this year's winter can cause anyone to want to hibernate. Cocooning with a warm blanket and a good movie is a perfect evening in. But when the pull of the sofa is stronger than the desire to connect with family and friends, loneliness can creep in. Similarly, when our parenting style leans toward keeping our kids so safe from harm that we don't allow them to safely explore the world on their own, cocooning can turn into a learned tendency toward social isolation. If any of this sounds familiar, read on some creative ways to combat loneliness and develop a sense of joy for getting out of the house!
In her New York Times bestselling series, The Artist's Way. Julia Cameron urges her readers to go on artist's dates - small, scheduled adventures designed to spark creativity and discover interesting and beautiful things. Her advice resonates beautifully in the counseling community.
During counseling for life transitions, depression, OCD, or social anxiety, therapists often aim to challenge their clients to try and see their surroundings in a new and more positive way. However, the reality is that not everyone lives in a downtown hub with access to many attractions and amenities. Other barriers such as lack of transportation and finances can also hinder exploration plans. Sometimes, even our mental health and mindset can stand in our way, making leaving the house even more challenging than we would like it to be. So, whether you are looking to find excitement and joy in seeing your area in a new way or would rather stay home and have no idea where to start, here are three free ideas to begin finding your path in the place you live.
1. Get outside
Sounds simple enough, right? With busy schedules, finding time to spend 5 to 20 minutes outside can seem like an extra thing on our plates. However, the benefits to our minds and bodies by being out in nature and getting fresh air far outweigh any minor inconveniences. Additionally, this is an excellent free way to start getting to know your surroundings. Whether you are new to the neighborhood or a long-time resident, going for a walk or jog around the area or a safe place you like to be can help the place to feel more familiar and boost your endorphins in the process. The American Psychological Association reports many benefits of going outside, including reducing stress, greater physical health, and improved concentration and creativity.
Bonus tip that is great for anyone of all ages, try a mindfulness activity: when you are outside, see how many different plants and animals you notice. What sounds do they make? How many colors do you see? What can you smell and hear?
2. Volunteer
For those itching to get their hands dirty, many local churches, food organizations, hospitality groups, and nonprofits are always looking for volunteers to help year-round. Volunteering with a local organization is a great way to see what the needs are in your community. It is a great opportunity for you to step outside of your comfort zone and experience something different from your normal life right in your neighborhood.
3. Clean Space
Our home environments can have a huge impact on our mental health and wellness. Have you been eyeing that pile of laundry sitting in the corner for a couple of weeks now? Or the DIY project that you have ready but have not started yet? Creating a home environment that feels peaceful and safe for you is important for your mental health journey. Even completing one small task, such as watering your plants can help create a sense of purpose and accomplishment.
Bonus tip: If you are living in an area that does not have a healthy surrounding environment, what is something that can make your personal space better for you? What do you need to make your living space feel like home in an area that does not?
While there are many more ideas that could be added to this list, the point is to begin looking at your space through a different lens and find your path of adventure through getting out and exploring in a way that is helpful and meaningful to you. Lifeologie Counseling can encourage you to think of a way to carve your own path where you live and take an actionable step towards creating it. We have experts who specialize in everything from art therapy to rediscovering joy after major life changes to striking a spark in romantic relationships. If we can help you create a healthy space on your wellness journey, reach out and find a Lifeologie Counselor near you at https://wefixbrains.com/therapists!

About Lifeologie
Lifeologie Counseling was founded in 2000 with one goal in mind — to bring a fresh, innovative approach to the everyday problems of life. Creative solutions to stuck problems®. With our unique multi-specialty, collaborative approach, Lifeologie Counseling helps individuals and families heal their wounds and break out of old, unhealthy patterns.