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Overcoming Loneliness in the Month of Love

With a holiday like Valentine’s Day that’s often focused on romantic love, it’s also a good time to remember that love can also be focused inward. Sometimes feelings of depression and anxiety worsen...

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Distracting Your Brain From Pain

Chronic pain, whether from illness or injury, is defined as pain experienced every day or most days in a three month period, although, as most people living with chronic pain will tell you, the pain...

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How's Your Mental Fitness Working Out?

February is Heart Month! Time to show some love for yourself -- mind, body, and soul. Are you feeling anxious about your health, your body image, and your well-meaning resolutions? When someone...

Lifeologie Counseling Grand Rapids, what is an LMFT?

What is an LMFT?

LMFT, LMSW, LLMSW, LPC, LLPC, LP, CADC You may be wondering what the difference is and what does all this alphabet soup mean? These credentials reflect different orientations within the world of...

Photo by <a href=Achim Ruhnau on Unsplash ">

Morning Therapy Brings a Boost

Are you ready to start the day off right? There's no hard and fast rule about whether therapy is better in the morning or evening, but there's a reason why morning is one of the most popular times...

Meeting AND Keeping New Year’s Goals!

As January 31 comes upon us, we may find ourselves looking in the mirror wondering why we have already given up on the goals we set for ourselves on New Year’s Day. How can we be so excited at the...

Pet Therapy for People

January is Walk Your Dog Month -- and although we don't advise you to bring your fun new pup to a serious therapy session, it's a great opportunity to talk about one of Lifeologie Counseling's most...

Coping with Seasonal Depression

Well, folks, it’s here: winter. The days are shorter, the nights feel darker, and the holiday season has brought along with it plenty of stressors. Inclement weather, travel, family, and a long list...

young person with brown skin looking up with closed eyes

Preventing Suicide in the African American Community

While it hasn't always been widely discussed, the rise in suicide rates among young African American men and teens has become a pressing concern in recent years. Tackling this issue in the African...