10 Marriage Tips from Divorce Attorneys

Is the stress of the season putting a strain on your marriage? Added responsibilities, unrealistic or uncommunicated expectations, blending family festivities and foibles, and financial stress can lead to moments of doubt. Is it even worth it to stay married? You'd think a divorce attorney might urge you to part ways, but there is no real joy in watching people who once adored each other eviscerate each other over who gets the stuff nobody even wants anymore. We've got 10 tips for staying together from a group of experienced Dallas divorce attorneys. 

Marriage can be the best and the hardest thing you’ve ever done. The relationship can start off wonderfully, and then sometimes life hits hard and things change; the glamour fades. You change, your spouse changes, something in your marriage shifts.

Be Intentional

Marriage counseling isn't just for people who are considering divorce.  Couples therapy is for for couples in any and all stages of marriage. Maybe you feel like it’s coming to an end; maybe it’s just a small hiccup; maybe you’re going through some transitions and want someone to help you walk the new path. Each person will cope differently with the changes; a counselor can teach you both healthy coping strategies and communication tools.

Regardless of what brings you in, marriage counseling will help to create a safe space for both of you to talk about difficult things. It will take work, love, and intentionality to come together and recreate your marriage. These 10 tips from a divorce attorney are a great place to start being intentional in your marriage.

10 Tips for A Healthy Marriage

  1. Express appreciation for your spouse.
  2. Have a consistent date night.
  3. Always clarify before you crucify, when communicating.
  4. Have sex with your spouse, regularly.
  5. Learn and practice your spouse’s love languages.
  6. Have a common interest outside of family commitments.
  7. Don’t enable bad habits.
  8. Reach enthusiastic agreements.
  9. Share your money.
  10. Go to marriage seminars and/or marriage counseling, even when things are great.

If your intentions have changed and you're not willing to make the effort to consider the tips above, or if you've tried traditional couples counseling and it hasn't worked, hold off on calling the lawyers and consider last-ditch couples counseling with a Lifeologie specialist. Unlike traditional marriage counseling that works to try to save an existing relationship, last-ditch marriage counseling helps you restructure your relationship. You can read more about our approach and find an experienced last-ditch therapist at a Lifeologie Counseling location near you.


About Lifeologie

Lifeologie Counseling was founded in 2000 with one goal in mind — to bring a fresh, innovative approach to the everyday problems of life. Creative solutions to stuck problems®. With our unique multi-specialty, collaborative approach, Lifeologie Counseling helps individuals and families heal their wounds and break out of old, unhealthy patterns.