Congrats Sarah Taormino - Site Supervisor of the Year

Lifeologie Counseling Clinical Director Sarah Taormino, LCPC,  was recently recognized as Site Supervisor of the Year by the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) Department of Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Service! 

Sarah was honored at their recent ceremony for the Omega Alpha Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, the international honor society for academic and professional excellence in counseling, where Henderson student Interns Kristine Bartolome and Micah Leavitt were newly inducted to Chi Sigma Iota, and Intern Phyllis Lee was recognized for her work as 2023-2024 Social Media Liaison!

Interested in working for a top-notch Site Supervisor of the Year? Learn more about Lifeologie Counseling’s challenging, rewarding intern program that offers individuals, couples, families, and children’s counseling services, including alternative therapeutic approaches such as mindfulness, at!

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